As Seen In Vogue
Hi friends,
This month we are celebrating our recent mention in Vogue, trying to change the narrative around paying taxes, sharing insights on evaluating investment returns, and introducing a new team member. We hope you enjoy! -- Georgia and Team Modernist
Modernist in the news
Move over, Naomi and Claudia! Modernist is the latest name to grace the (virtual) pages of Vogue. We are so excited to be “as seen in Vogue!”
Click here to check out Vogue’s recap of the In Goop Health summit, featuring very kind words about Georgia’s turn hosting Money Stories workshops for the attendees.
Not to be outdone, Portland’s own Willamette Week recently got in touch with Georgia for some personal finance tips. Read that story here!
Investment Insights: Modernist white papers
“It’s not about what you make, it’s about what you keep” - this is our motto when it comes to thinking about investment performance.
While it is easy to be enthralled by the top-line returns (which are often prominently featured on investment firms’ marketing materials), there are many other factors that influence the amounts you actually get to hang on to and use to fund your goals.
Click here to view and download our white paper on how tax planning helps you keep more of your investment returns.
Modernist makes friends with Uncle Sam
The 2018 tax deadline is just around the corner, and for many of our clients that means it’s time to write some big checks to the US Treasury. The IRS has a real PR problem and years of anti-government messaging from the right haven’t helped. It seems that everyone is down on paying taxes these days.
But despite the negative perceptions of government spending, we fund some important things with our tax dollars. If you’re wondering where the money goes, take a look at this helpful graphic from National Priorities and their website to learn more:
Tax reminders to fund your future fab self
"Lana & Eugene" from Ari Seth Cohen's new book, Advanced Love
And don’t forget to fund your fab future self this tax season, too:
You can contribute to your Roth IRA, Traditional IRA, HSA or FSA.
If you aren’t filing an extension, you could contribute to your Solo 401(k)/SIMPLE IRA profit sharing or SEP IRA.
Reach out to your CPA to schedule a summer tax planning meeting to proactively structure your 2019 approach to taxes. Check out this explainer in Advisor News from Liliya Jones, our Director of Operations, for some tips!
Songs that are really about vision
While we should be proud to pay our way, “If you’ve got the money, I’ve got the time” from Willie Nelson is sure to lighten the mood after you’ve written those checks. (Yep, that’s Tipper Gore on drums…)
If you've got the money honey, I've got the time / We'll go honky tonkin' and we'll have a time
Bring along your Cadillac, leave my ol' wreck behind / If you've got the money honey, I've got the time
Modernist is growing!
Please join us in welcoming the newest member of Team Modernist!
Kaleen Anderson will be joining us for the next 6 months as our Financial Planning Intern. Kali recently left the advertising world to pursue her affinity for numbers and behavioral finance. She is currently enrolled in the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification program at the University of Portland and working to become a CFP® professional. Fun fact: Kali loves to bake in her free time–especially cookies. Check these out!
Modernist is growing!
We are so grateful for these wonderful stories as a way to introduce more people to Modernist. We are thrilled to have new friends join us as we work to build a world where progressive people feel permission to enjoy today while investing in our common future.
If you support our mission, we hope that you will continue on this journey with us and tell your friends, so they can join as well. If you know anyone who may enjoy learning about Modernist and our work, please introduce them to us, simply share this newsletter. Georgia's also available for public speaking opps!