OCTOBER NEWSLETTER | How We’re Cultivating Generosity with the Modernist Fund
Hi friends,
To celebrate Modernist’s 7th birthday, last month we hosted a super fun party on the rooftop of NW Portland’s Ecotrust to gather in community.
We were proud as peacocks to announce the launch of The Modernist Donor in Movement Fund at Seeding Justice, the first DMF started by a business! Read more about it here.
We’ve committed to donating 1% of our revenue to the fund, deepening our desire to impact racial wealth inequality.
Thank you for being part of making our dream a reality!
Georgia + Team Modernist
P.s. Check out Seeding Justice’s essential reinvention of the Donor Advised Fund here.
Investment insights
Wondering what on earth is happening in the markets?! We’ve got you!
On the blog,we have several updates from our investment committee on what's going on and what it means, including a:
Video explaining what investment risk (or lack) means when we’re aiming to outpace inflation
Our Downmarket Resources gathers all our posts on inflation, cash flow, and how to make the most of down markets. And some of our favorite poems for uncertain times.
good news: lets resist negativity bias
Our manifesto reminds us to challenge dominant narratives to create unique paths forward.
We love seeing so much progressive and positive news…here's just a few!
❤️ Three cheers for governmental solutions to endemic problems! 👏 We’re inspired by plunging child poverty since the ‘90s and the bipartisan solutions that used our tax dollars to fund impactful governmental programs.
❤️ We’re thrilled to see Oregon recognized as one of the best states to work in by Oxfam America! We’re so proud to be running a people-centered business here!
❤️ Beloved Portland woman-owned restaurant Nostrana held a fundraiser for Family Meal, a nonprofit founded by Modernist’s own Josh Cole, which provides relief grants to Oregon food service and agricultural workers facing medical crises. Help Josh out, go drink some wine!
❤️ Portland chef Gregory Gourdet was on CBS Morning sharing about his new restaurant, inspired by his Haitian roots, and creating hope through food.
modernist takes it outside
Georgia was recently in The Wall Street Journal sharing advice for a couple looking to clean up their finances.
Among other things, she highlighted the importance of paying down credit card debt, building up your reserves, and asking your community for their help and support.
Here’s an excerpt—no paywall!
Georgia also chatted with Rebecca Hotsko on the Millennial Investor podcast.
They dove into financial planning, Modernist’s evidence-based approach to investment portfolios, and the importance of understanding your Money Story.
Fellow finance nerds, this one’s for you!
FUND YOUR HEROES: seeding justice!
As we’re updating our Generosity Plan, we’re also asking our community: what might your own plan look like?
Here are a few jumping off points:
⚡️ Check out Seeding Justice’s Community Funds and their innovative funding structures.
⚡️ Consider a giving rule of your own: 1-3% of your income is a good start (3% is a helpful benchmark from the B Corp community!)
⚡️ Explore creating your own Donor in Movement Fund - a solution to the structural issues with many Donor Advised Funds!
⚡️ Start conversations in your community about what cultivating generosity could look like. Check out our Money Stories guides here.
ART BREAK: Gefilteria + Avantika Bawa
The start of Autumn brought the Jewish High Holidays and an excitement to return to the kitchen. Our friends at the Gefilteria have a festive and tasty fall lineup, treat yourself or a loved one to a virtual cooking workshop!
Don’t miss this fabulous Modernist architecture installation from artist (and friend of Georgia) Avantika Bawa! It’s on display through the end of October at PCC Sylvania. Bawa’s work explores Brutalism, and this exhibit is housed in one of the original 1968 Brutalist buildings on campus.
You may know that Georgia had a country music radio show in college. Here’s Gillian Welch singing about how “Everything is Free” an idea to remind us that much of what’s truly important is free.
Cause everything is free now / That's what I said…
Someone hit the big score / But I figured it out
And I'm gonna do it anyway / Even if doesn't pay