NOVEMBER 2020 NEWSLETTER: Bill T. Jones reads Ross Gay
We’re heading into the season for gathering (virtually). While that will look different this year, the importance of connecting remains. As our manifesto says: “our greatest wealth is our personal relationships.”
In gratitude,
Georgia + Team Modernist
Most families don't talk about money. We think we’re missing out.
Deep and meaningful conversation is the Modernist way. Use our handy Money Stories guide to host an essential conversation about money at your next family Zoom holiday party!
Want paper booklets to mail out? Just write to us with your address and we'll pop some in the post for you!
Investment Insights for Q3
In our most recent market update, our Investment Committee looks back at Q3 and reminds us that markets are continuing to rebound and recover. Patience does pay off!
A quick summary of Q3 market returns across asset classes
Oregon Economic Insights
The Oregon Community Foundation recently updated their many volunteers on the Oregon economy by reporting on the State of the State, citing economic challenges and trends we think are geekily interesting.
Georgia was excited to see data on Oregon’s historic resilience during the 1918-19 Flu Epidemic and how our state’s commitment to science paid economic dividends afterwards.
Check out the video!
Fund Your Heroes
Understanding the role of property ownership in wealth building is essential, which also means understanding the systematic disenfranchisement of black people from land ownership. (Ta-Nehisi Coates’ essay on reparations is essential reading.)
This ProPublica story led to a MacArthur for the pioneering organization working to change the laws that steal land from black families.
⚡️ ACTION: Support The Center for Heirs Property Preservation, or if you’re in Portland, the Albina Vision Project, an organization working to repair the economic and cultural violence of mid century “urban renewal” programs.
Georgia discussed her journey from sculptor to CFP on The Admired Advisor podcast. She gets into why she's driven to prove that a profitable financial firm can also care for its employees and do good work in the community.
Georgia was also invited to Top of Mind with Julie Rose to share her thoughts with on the reverse boomerang effect (aka when your parents move into your ADU).
Bill T. Jones reads Ross Gay’s poem Poem To My Child, If Ever You Shall Be
To guide our work at Modernist, we look to music, poetry, fiction, and especially Maria Popova’s work at Brain Pickings. Her annual celebration of poetry and science, the Universe in Verse, highlights famous folks reading poems about science. Do your nervous system a favor and watch the whole 2019 show.
Thinking of the next generation drives many of our business decisions and our recommendations to clients about how they can structure their wealth around their values.
Click the image above to enjoy Bill T. Jones reading Ross Gay's Poem To My Child, If Ever You Shall Be.
A SONG THAT IS REALLY ABOUT money and relationships
The Staples Singers sum up our post-election thoughts best:
I'm just another soldier in the army of love / Now Martin, John, and Bobby once fought here by my side/ But the Captain called them to that command post in the sky / This army needs you my friend / This army needs me / And believe if we all together / Right now hatred will cease to be
⚡️ ACTION: Join us in building bridges across our differences, so we can all live into a more just and equitable future. Help the incredibly important Georgia run-off election, If you're able, by making a donation to POC-led grassroots organizations in the state.